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Effect of servo energy saving transformation on aluminum extrusion machine plant line


so can aluminum extrusion machines also be retrofitted for energy saving?

So what is an aluminum extrusion press machine plant line? Aluminum extrusion machine literally means a machine that extrudes aluminum products. The main extrusion products are aluminum, aluminum alloys, aluminum profiles and so on. Under normal circumstances, the aluminum extrusion machine can extrude aluminum alloy doors and windows, rolling shutter doors and windows, industrial profiles, building materials, aluminum pipes, household aluminum products, etc. The production of building materials requires spray oxidation, aluminum alloys of different strength levels, It can also be used as a product material for aluminum alloy profiles such as ships and vehicles. The doors and windows in our daily life are produced by it. Of course, there are also many applications of aluminum extrusion presses in the automotive industry. Aluminum products have good ductility and are widely used for their light weight, good electrical and thermal conductivity, high reflectivity and oxidation resistance.